
The decision making Discord Bot

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Frequently Asked Questions

Because WizBot is in beta, dawg. This basically means that active development is still underway and big changes may happen at any time. W$ balances, settings, etc may occasionally get wiped during these updates - but I will always do my best to avoid such situations. If anything, I will most likely make an announce on our Discord

At the end of beta, you might have to reinvite WizBot to your server.

First off, thanks for choosing WizBot! To get started, you want to use the Invite button at the top of the page. Once WizBot is in your server you can send commands by using the prefix followed by the command name.

The default prefix is !

So to start off, you could type !help to display a list of commands.

Hope this helps.

The prefix for WizBot is !

But you can change it with the prefix command

No!1! Mistakes happen. Even from Wizard Robots. If you find an issue, please submit it through the Feedback page from the nav bar. There is also a feedback channel in our server.

That's not really a question, homeskillet - but I feel you. I would love to hear your ideas, suggestions, feedback. Just goto the Feedback page from the nav bar or visit our server and check out the feedback channel.

Nah, not really. If you would like to support, you could always make a donation - but it isn't neccessary.

The only information that WizBot has access to is the publicly available information that anyone can view by clicking on your pfp in Discord. No personal-identifying info is stored on our servers. This site doesn't even use cookies n shit.

We try to keep everything inside of Discord. To get a list of commands, just use the help command.

To get usage and examples of a certain command, use the help command with the command name you want to learn about.

Example: !help spin

! is the global prefix for WizBot. When you set a prefix for your server, you are setting a local prefix. Both prefixes can still be used. This may change once we are out of beta.

WizBot does not currently support slash command. The documentation for them lowkey suck right now. Maybe in the future.

It's a good question, great even. The simple answer is that a lot of commands were made as a response to how my Discord friends used them. We have spent a lot of time lately playing an online version of Pokemon that only goes up to Gen V. This allows us to quickly pull up Gen V specific data. TBH, there are TONS of sites that display this info better and faster than Wizbot. It's just a nice and relevant feature for now. It will probably evolve over time as more people use/request it.

*customer service voice* Actually, 😊 I am the manager 🎉. But you can definitely ask your question using the Feedback button at the top of the page. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Probably one of those new Pokemon. There's like 600 of them, I'd be surprised if one of them DOESN'T change its number of legs whilst evolving.